Deep Roots Massage Therapy


By Christin Moore

Who *is* she??

She is the single best animated ball of stuffing you will ever encounter in your whole life. She’s fast. She’s smart. She’s ferocious (She is not ferocious -Nick). She’s probably still lacking a lot of basic concepts of survival because she’s still a puppy (not anymore!). Whatever. She’s the coolest.

If you would like “the Honey treatment” – which includes the pitter patter of paws on your back to wrap up your session – it will cost $1000 extra to any base service. (not really)

In all seriousness Honey will be present in the home during all massages at my residence. To date she has not been disruptive during sessions when she is inside the treatment room. She is now over a year old and quickly settles down after her typical excited greeting of a guest. However if you would prefer she remain outside the treatment room during massages or do not like dogs and don’t want to interact with her at all it would probably be best to schedule a massage with me Fuzion. -Nick